Back Again




I’m back again my friend
I’m back again
My love will transcend
Yes I’m back again

Don’t be frightened
It’s time to be enlightened
You’ll soar to heaven
Where all your dreams come true

When I meet you

Follow your soul and heart
It’s time to make a start
Things will change you’ll see
And the saved, set free

I come in peace
Soon to be released
Let’s get it started
Pray for the broken hearted

I’ve come for you

Follow your soul and heart
It’s time to make a start
Things will change you’ll see
And all the saved set free

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Keep On Smilin’




Say what you know to be true
Speak your point of view
Look for something new
And together we’ll kick those blues

Increase your slef esteem
Live out your dreams
Life is not always what it seems
May your soul redeem

Keep on smiling
Keep on trying
No more crying
Just keep on smiling

Be accountable for your actions
Feel your satisfaction
Get a positive reaction
And realize your revelation

Perserverance is key to it all
Sometimes you’ll take the fall
Get up heed the call
And we’ll all stand tall

Make sure you help each other
Cause everyone is your brother
Stay on task, don’t give up
Drink from the Golden Cup

Please show your concern
You got to live and learn
The world is ours new beginnings are not far
Not far at all

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The Change




Just letting you know the time is near
Because the One is here
You will know no fear
Just letting you know the time is near, my dear

The change is coming and how
The change is coming, right now
The change is coming and how
The change is coming, right now

Prepare yourself for the beginning
So you can hit the ground running
For the One, he is a coming
So you’d better start loving

He has been undercover
He’s like no other
So let Him into your heart
And His love will never part

Love endures through the ages
Read The Book, turn the pages
There you’ll find a reason for living
And you’ll take what you’ve been given

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Get It Together




What is right, what is wrong?
Hold fast and you stand strong
What is right is answered from within
What is wrong is some kind of sin

So get it together
The storm we’ll weather
So get it together
We’ll be together forever

You got to keep your eyes open
May your spirit never be broken
You must persevere
What is righ will be quite clear

So keep on the straightne arrow
Cause the pass way is narrow
One you make it through
You’ll know just what to do

So celebrate your existence
May your love be consistent
Enjoy your new found home
Spread your love wherever you may roam

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Give It All You Got




I know a man who can take you there
You won’t find a man like this anywhere
He’s in your heart He’s in your soul
Find Him before you grow cold

He Live in you He lives in me
Open your mind and you’ll be free
You know you must follow His lead
Now put away all your jealousy and greed

So give it all you got
Give up, I think not
So give it all you got
Give up, I think not

Feel the splender of His peace
And all your pain will cease
Open your eyes to a new way
In your heart, He will stay

You’re on the right road
Your story will be told
Your life with Him will unfold
This cannot be bought or sold

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No Regrets




I say the words that I mean
Although they may come in dreams
Some say I go to extremes
I say the words they won’t forget
Yet I have no regrets

I do what needs to be done
It sets some folks on the run
I’m just trying to have a little fun
Although it may make some upset
Yes I have no regrets

My words and actions are true
Yet sometimes I end up the fool
What’s a guy like me really to do
I’m not angry, no threats
Yes I have no regrets

There are no mistakes
Any you may thing nothing is great
But in your hands I hold your fate
You just might be the teachers pet
Please have no regrets

Sometimes love hurts
Folks don’t know that life is worth
We need love all around this earth
Give love and don’t forget
Remember to have no regrets

I’ve come back around
Right here to this very town
I’ve come to claim my crown
Yet, I guess it’s time to collect

And I will have no regrets….

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